The equation of D1=%90 D is an estimation. Calculations are approximate.
S # D1 h/2 = 2s1 =dH =225d ; D1 h/2 = 18d h/2 9dh = 225d h=25 cm Note: 1-The major rising of the sea level in coastal zone of the Caspian sea and of the Urmia lake occurred simultaneously, also the occurrence of earthquake in Rudbar, Manjil, and parts of Gillan & Zanjan ( June 1990 ) coincides with the period of the rise of the Caspian sea level in coastal zone. 2-The slight falling of sea level has started from 1998 on the coastal zone, and up to middle of 1999 has fallen about 70 cm, and as an estimation it shall continue for the next four or five years. As long as this falling continues, (until reaching its normal level), a short-cut as well as a certain manner by which my theory could be verified is to measure and control the rise and fall of sea level in the coastal zone and mid part of the sea.If these recordings show changes of the two in opposite directions; then my theory is proven valid. Since the sea surface level variations in the mid part of the sea is about 0.1 of the variation in the coastal zone, therefore the measurements & recordings should be done with a very high precision. 3-The variation of “ g “ and its influence on three other phenomena:3-1- Sea water turbulence in the Bermuda triangle region is probably due to the vortical movement of the bulks of molten and doughy materials with quite different densities inside the earth, which causes the variation of “ g “ and consequently the resultant turbulence in that region.3-2- Since in the occurrence of earthquake, an increase ( decrease ) in “ g “ value helps breaking of the concave ( convex ) layers of crust liable to breaking, by recognition of different forms of folded layers of the crust, and using geographical maps relating to the variational patterns of “ g “ value, probably one can forecast to some extent the occurrence of earthquake, kind of impulsions ( vertical or horizontal ), and whether the earthquake accompanies by much or less aftershocks.It should be also noted that as the variation of " g " value is not the main determinant factor for the occurrence time of earthquakes, therefore many earthquakes have happened and will happen even without the variation of " g " value ( and vise versa ). But the variation of " g " value certainly affects sea level and concerning earthquakes it is at least a warning signal.3-3- If the cause of involuntary up & down of airplane turbulent movements in some part of some air routes ( the phenomenon known as air-pockets ) is due to variation of " g " value ( which is probable ) , then besides finding out the real cause of that phenomenon , it could provide an excellent guide in preparing the world-wide geographical map concerning the variation of " g " value on the surface of the earth.